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Work With Us

Work With Us

Whether you’re interested in promoting your brand to our audience of awesome families and individuals or whether you’d like to hire us for our expertise, you’ve come to the right place.

Who are we:

Passionate travellers and story tellers (nothing makes us happier than travelling, writing down our experiences, taking photographs and sharing them with the world.)  Our stories and photographs have been featured in various print publications around the world –  so we’re not only passionate  –  we produce quality work.

The Travel Manuel has been a trusted online resource for traveller’s since 2009.  To be fair, it was really just a personal diary back then but has evolved into something much more.  Today we are a showcase for some of the best travel destinations and off-beat experiences in the world.  Our website has been featured in print magazines, on the radio and most recently, on television too.

To our delight, our readers have evolved with us.  We now have tens of thousands of wonderful people visiting our blog every month as well as lots of other very cool people hanging out with us on our social media channels.  Pretty awesome for something that started as a journal.

How we can help you:

In our field we have to be good at many things to make a living.  Please see our “How we can work together” section for more.

Brands:  We are well positioned to help promote your brand. Our combined monthly audience across blog and social media is sitting at round 75 000 people.  But we only deliver quality content.  We aren’t interested in deceiving our readers either.  If you’d like to work with us it needs to be a professional, quality driven arrangement.  And fun.  Our most successful campaigns have been those that are a little out the ordinary.

How we can work together:

Brands we’ve partnered with:

What are you waiting for? Contact Us.

Simply fire a mail to us

Image credits: 1) Roberto Nieves 

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