Student life is full of stress. Having to deal with teachers and peers often doesn’t make it easier. And especially now, with Covid, the world is as turbulent as ever; all populations are affected. Still, as a student, you might have a bit more ways to destress and this is what we will talk about today.
Sure, you might think that if this is not the most stressful time of your life then it just makes no sense. Yet, if you think about it, it’s not that rough. You can always say ‘I need WritePaper to write my paper for me’ or get together with your friends to just vent about how unfair your professor is. In reality, as one grows older, they learn to look at those problems and stressors differently. And travelling is one of the things that may help you see a different perspective.
Why Solo, Though?
Traveling alone may seem intimidating, scary, and even boring to some. What’s the point of memories if you can’t share them with anybody? But really, your twenties are the time for self-exploration, learning new things, and understanding what you like and what you don’t. Most of the romantic relationships started at this age don’t last just because people tend to change and evolve so much.
Take this as ‘me-time’, take a trip to really understand who you are, and you might learn a lot of new things. So, without further ado, here are the 6 reasons why there’s no better time than now for travelling solo.
Do What You Want
One of the main perks of travelling alone is being able to do whatever and whenever you want. You don’t have to take anyone’s advice on seeing a monument you don’t really care about or spend hours driving to a beach when you can’t even swim. This is the best part! Decide what you need, plan your time, and enjoy every second of it!
The downside, however, is that sometimes, people in our life can gently push us to try new things or experience something we never thought we would enjoy. But this is also a skill that one has to learn throughout their life – being able to do that for themselves.
Entire Summer Off
Being a student means following your school’s calendar. While you might not necessarily enjoy the deadlines during the academic year, the off-times are great. Having almost an entire summer off is not something any working graduate can boast about. Add the spring break and winter holidays to that and you’ve got yourself a few months of free time, out of thin air!
Sure, you might want to visit your family in winter and maybe travel with your friends during spring, but that still leaves you with plenty of time for self-exploration and soul-digging. Take that time to explore the path you’ve taken, take tours related to your future occupation. If you’re studying to become an engineer, look up places where you can take a tour. If you study at a fashion school, try to snatch a ticket to a fashion show, etc.
Meet New People
This must be one of the most obvious perks of travelling, but it’s still worth an honorable mention. Travelling alone exposes you to meeting new people you might have never talked to if you were travelling with somebody. This way, you will not only make new friends from a different country but also network and have connections all around the world.
Now that remote work is becoming the new norm, you will definitely find those connections useful. It might not happen in a year from now but in two or three, but just hold on to them. In the era of technology, keeping a superficial friendship is simple – you just befriend someone on Facebook or Instagram and you like their posts. This sort of ‘connection’ allows you to text them anytime and they will be happy to help.
Cheap Travels
Since students have it so hard, governments have always been trying to make things a bit easier for them. Among many perks are student discounts. They apply not only in your home country, but abroad, too. Some airlines can give you a discount if you submit a valid student ID. Apart from that, most museums in Europe offer a student discount or even free admission. Public transport is also always cheaper if you have a student ID.
So, if the overall cost of travel is what’s stopping you, think again – there are so many discounts thrown at you that you can basically go with nothing.
You’re Used To Being Broke
Another perk of travelling as a student is that it’s okay for students to be broke. But if you’re travelling with a significant other, you might want to spoil them, look for a nicer room or a fancier restaurant. Meanwhile, when you’re alone, you really don’t need all that. You just find a bunk bed and some food from a grocery store and you’re good! The main goal of travelling is exploring a new city, not a new hotel.
Unforgettable Adventures
When you travel, whether you want it or not, things will not always go according to plan. But in reality, this is the best part. Your plan may turn into something completely different once you meet someone on your travels and decide to take a detour. Those kinds of adventures only happen when you travel solo because as a lone traveller, you are more open to opportunities and trying new things.
This will give you a new sense of freedom and the possible dangers might strengthen your feeling of responsibility. This kind of travelling will inspire you for the rest of the year. These are the kinds of things that give you stories to share with your grandkids. So, every time you doubt yourself and aren’t sure if you should do something or not, the answer is always yes.
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