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While the pandemic hit the travel industry hard, the world still wants to travel and people find ways to do it. Most of them travel for fun, as a part of their vacation or business time, or just as a habit. In this sample created by an expert essay writer from WriteMyPaperHub academic writing service, you will find theses about travel in social, educational and historical context. If you need your paper written for you based on your detailed requirements, you can place an order and pay someone to write your essay before the deadline. Sample essays, like this one, are created for educational reasons and cannot be used directly as your own. Custom papers created according to your order are never posted online or recycled.

Social Context of Travel
Travel is a part of social pressure — in our real ability to travel, the quality of your travel is often associated with your social status, with your success and also with the level of your education, your sophistication. When you open social media you see that maybe one-third of the content is about people travelling, visiting friends, exploring new places even within one city or country. The idea of new experiences, the ones that are more exciting, more gratifying and often more expensive than your daily routine, is one of the economy’s drivers nowadays. You just cannot say that you prefer your routines for years (not days) and don’t enjoy airports, flights, taking pictures at some historic places or at the beach. You have to want something — it can be some luxury resort with celebrities sipping cocktails, it can be some archaeological camp halfway around the world, — it doesn’t matter as long as you “would like to travel more.”
Travelling more is another interesting concept. It means that there is not enough travel in the world that can actually make us satisfied. The global tendency is to have a desire to travel almost all the time. It is truly not a healthy choice, as most of us are programmed to have safe and steady routines, but social pressure makes us desire different things. You cannot deny that travelling can be rather dangerous, it can be tiring, it minimizes financial resources. More of it, it doesn’t always make you happy.
Historical Context of Travel
It wasn’t this way for centuries. It is very difficult to imagine the Egyptian Emperor offering a trip to (what would have to be) Paris as a romantic gift for their anniversary. She would think he just lost his marbles, as she would definitely prefer more gold for her tomb, more slaves or maybe a cat. Even several hundreds years ago traveling just for the excitement of it was more of a quirky decision than a tradition. People already had an opportunity to travel safely and considerably cheaply, but they were choosing other ways to spend their money and time.
There are many social, cultural and economical factors that made the situation the way it is now, and we won’t be able to fit them all in this one essay. The fact is clear — now travelling is a valuable part of our lives, and in many cases people decide to travel due to social pressure or seeking for excitement they don’t have in their normal lives. While routine was previously seen as a virtue, now it is seen as a problem, something that should be solved or shaken.
Travel as Educational Experience
At the same time, travel is one of the best educational experiences, even if you go to some sandy beach. The road itself, all the people you meet, all the problems you need to solve before, in the process, and sometimes after are worth it. The educational character of travel consists mainly of two things: receiving new knowledge about the world, yourself, people around and growing as a person due to new experiences. Travelling drives different instincts — many people notice that when they come to a new place they are much more perceptive of all the details. Many attribute it to the beauty of new places, to the differences between people, but one of the key reasons is your inborn ability to be alert in a new environment. As normally, educational travel doesn’t come with much of a risk, this alertness helps to focus on pleasant things, and this, in its turn, makes you remember your travel experience as something bright and pleasant.
Travel as a part of education is the closest we get to the travel routines of the past. Back then, most of the travellers did it to explore the world, despite all the dangers they could not comprehend in advance. Exploring the world in its largest but practical meaning is not a drive that is inherent to all the people, but we develop it growing in a social group inclined to travel. Educational travel helps us to develop faster and be more interesting people in our social groups, it gives us both knowledge and status.
How to Travel not Leaving the City
Students often travel within the country, as most of them are not of age to travel abroad alone, or just don’t have enough money for that. Travelling inside the country is a great way to start, even when we are talking about educational travel. You would be surprised, but you can receive new knowledge even traveling around your block, around your city. The key idea is to try and look at the things you saw hundreds of times under another ankle. It is easy to say “just look around as if you are here for the first time.” However, it is almost impossible to do so. Our brain is predetermined to remember visual and audio information, sort our experiences, creating so-called samples and cliches.
When you come to a new place, your brain notices lots of small things, because it doesn’t yet know the most important things around. Later, you don’t pay attention to coffee stands, just to the road, but you see and process everything when you get to someplace for the first time. So, imagine you need to make a tour in your block, in your city for your friend who comes from abroad. Imagine a person of a different culture, and think of something around you that would interest him or her the most. It is the first step to refresh your vision and come close to what can be called “educational travel without actual travel.”
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