If you’ve dreamed of getting rid of fine lines, signs of aging, or wrinkles that you feel are taking over your face, you may want to consider a facelift. A facelift, medically known as a rhytidectomy, is a procedure that has been proven to improve the look of your face and give you the results you want.
It’s important to choose a skillful surgeon with experience, and if you’re getting the procedure done in the New York City area, you can get a facelift in NYC from a surgeon who is knowledgeable and qualified. Your doctor will explain the healing process to you and give you tips for caring for your facial area after surgery. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice so you can heal properly and in a reasonable amount of time.
Sleeping and showering are two of the things you’ll have to be extra careful about after a facelift. Here are some essential things to know to stay clean and get a good night’s rest after your procedure.
How to Sleep After Your Facelift
You should sleep on your back immediately after your facelift. You could exacerbate the incisions in your skin and slow down your healing time if you try to sleep on your side or stomach. You’ll have to get used to sleeping on your back for 2-4 weeks after your facelift. However, the time you’ll spend sleeping will depend on how quickly your body heals, the amount of bruising you have, and your age.
If you’re not used to sleeping on your side, there are a few things you can do to get comfortable. Using a body pillow can be helpful since the pillow will support your head and neck. Two or three pillows should be sufficient based on your body weight, but you can use as many as you need. If you got a neck lift in addition to your facelift, make sure your neck is elevated before going to sleep.
You can also use a wedge pillow for sleeping. This pillow will elevate your head and help you sleep comfortably without rolling onto your back or sides. A wedge pillow keeps your body in place while you’re sleeping so you’ll remain in the same position until you wake up.
Husband pillows are another viable option for keeping your body in place. The “arms” of the pillow make it difficult for you to roll over in your sleep. You can also use a husband pillow for reading or using your laptop while you’re in bed while keeping your head or neck in place.
It’s a good idea to have a recliner to relax in after you have facelift surgery, especially during the first 72 hours of your recovery since your face will be very bruised or swollen immediately after surgery. When you sleep in a recliner, you’ll avoid putting too much pressure on your face without elevating your face and neck too high.
If you don’t have a recliner, you can rest on the living room sofa to rest after your surgery. Place a regular pillow or wedge pillow on the armrests to provide more cushion for your head while you’re lying down. If your head is properly elevated, you should be able to get a good night’s sleep.
Showering After a Facelift
Once your facelift procedure is complete, you should avoid taking showers for the first 48 hours after surgery. If water gets on any of your incisions, your recovery could be longer and more painful. The stream of water from the shower can put pressure on your stitches and lead to injuries. You’ll have to take sponge baths to stay clean and keep your incisions safe. Use doctor-approved soap and a warm washcloth for bathing until it’s safe to shower.
When you can shower, cover up the surgical area to keep it from coming in contact with water and reduce the chances of infection. Be extra careful when washing your hair so you won’t tug too hard on your facial skin during the healing process. When you’re taking showers during the healing process, be sure to use lukewarm water since the steam from hot water can aggravate your incisions.
Once you get out of the shower, gently pat yourself dry. Don’t rub too hard with your towel since these can open up. After patting dry, allow your skin to air dry to keep your incisions safe.
What to Expect During Recovery
You’ll have some bruising and swelling after your facelift, which will last for up to three weeks. Some people heal slowly after the procedure while others heal quickly. Even though you may not want to go out in public while you’re healing, you should start feeling better a few days after your procedure.
Your physician will take the bandages off of your face a few days after your procedure. Be sure to attend all of your follow-up appointments so your surgeon can assess your progress.
Once you’ve healed completed, your new look will last up to 10 years. Of course, you’ll continue to age, but you’ll likely still look at least five years younger than you would have without the facelift.
Self-Care Tips
At-home self-care during the first month after your procedure will accelerate your recovery time and reduce the risk of complications. Make sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions for would care and don’t pick at any scabs that develop. Ask your doctor when you can start using soaps and shampoos and which kinds are safe to use.
It’s also a good idea to wear clothes that fasten in the front so you won’t have to pull shirts or sweaters over your head during the recovery process. Avoid using makeup and don’t put too much pressure on your face or neck. Avoid perming, coloring, or bleaching your hair for at least six weeks after your facelift. While you’re healing, you should avoid vigorous sports or workouts and don’t go into direct sunlight for three weeks. When it’s safe for you to go outside again, use sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30.
These helpful tips can speed up your healing and help you avoid infection while recovering from your facelift so you’ll be more satisfied with the results.
What an excellent article! It was well-written, thought-provoking, and thoroughly researched. Kudos to the author.