Taking the decision to go travelling is exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. You can turn up at the airport and find yourself feeling underprepared for this adventure. Whether you are off to Southeast Asia or travelling around the USA, here are some pointers to make it less daunting and to help you be more prepared.
Put Fear To One Side
It is easy to let fear stop you from taking that first step into your travelling journey. Yes, it is scary to do something new for the first time, but remember others have done this before. There are pointers to be had, lessons to learn from them and experience and advice you can find. With that in mind, research where you are going, understand what you want to gain from the trip and come up with a loose plan how this can be achieved.
Plus once you take the leap you’ll make new friends along the way and continue to get support. Getting over your fear is the first step.
Book Your Flight, Get Your Passport
Whilst your motivation is rife, it makes sense to get the ball rolling. Firstly, check your passport is in date and if needed go through the process to get it updated or ordered. Pick your destination and book your flights. Once you’re committed you’ll find it easier to actually proceed with taking that step. Of course, when booking any trip it is important that you consider and check if there are any additional legal documents you are required to obtain before travelling to that location. If in doubt, seek guidance from an immigration lawyer.
Ditch The Guide Books
They can be so handy in helping you choose your destination and get an idea of what you can do, but they will never give you a truly authentic experience. The best way to see the world is to deviate off the beaten path, find the local bars and restaurants and experience the culture and lifestyle authentically. Befriend a local, learn from them about all the places to go and live a day in their life.
Take Your Time
Embrace your travelling journey. Don’t wish the time away by trying to cram in too many different locations and cities into the same trip. To experience a place fully you need to invest the time, meet the locals, deviate off the beaten track and see all that is around. If you try to jam pack your itinerary you’ll end up missing out on the experiences that make traveling such a fun adventure in the first place.
Pack Light
This is different from a holiday. You only need to pack essentials. You’ll be able to buy so much whilst you are exploring the world. Remember whatever you take you’ve got to carry. With that in mind pack essentials and don’t pack with the ‘what if’ mentality. If possible try to limit yourself to one bag. That ways it’s light, accessible and will save you on unnecessary baggage costs as you venture further afield.
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