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Foods of the world: On the Go Moroccan Couscous Recipe

Hello travelling food lovers. Recently I’ve been cooking lots of Moroccan dishes and I shared some here in the blog. And again I found the receipts I’ve posted got very popular in a quite short time.

[Protip: For best results use Israeli couscous ( what is Israeli couscous )]

So I decided to share one more popular dish which is couscous. To be able to make this dish, first you will need a steam cooker. The original couscous cooking method is streaming the couscous not boiling it like you might read on the couscous package / box.

Get the ingredients and watch the step by step cooking method in the video below. This is the exact same recipe I used to make the couscous you see in the photo above few days ago.


For the sauce 1 kg and half beef (cut into large pieces)

large onion

about one small cup of olive and veg oil mixed

1 tomato 

salt to taste

1 tsp of pepper

1 tsp of ginger



enough water (about 3 litres)

400 g of carrot

250 g of turnip

250 g of courgette

500 g of pumpkin

half a cabbage 

bunch of parsley and coriander 

2 chillies

1 tsp of clarified butter 

**for the couscous 

1 kg of coscous

4 tbsp of oil

1 tbsp of salt


1 tbsp of clarified butter or butter or olive oil 

Recipe Method

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