Somewhere in Dubai
As travel bloggers, we get to travel a heck of a lot. Even before we were doing this full time we prioritised travel and pretty much used up all our spare cash on flights and accommodation deals. And now that travel has become our work, we find travelling more than we ever dreamed.
Recently when a friend on a Facebook group asked whether we take our laptops with us when we travel or just tablets. I thought to myself “Of course we take our laptops. We take our laptops, smartphones, hard drives, flash drives, camera equipment, kindles, and basically all the tech that we own.”
I actually have bag dedicated to our travel tech.
But then other people also started answering that they also travelled with all their tech too. Tech that contains really private information. I’m not sure about you, but my laptop and phone contains credit card info, secret passwords and just stacks of other private information. And I’m all to happy to connect these devices of mine to any WiFi network I find on the road.
Which is why I was really stoked to find out about and receive a Bitdefender Box a couple of weeks back.
The Magic Blue Light:
I’m not going to attempt to explain all the magic behind this gadget because, quite frankly, i’m no internet security buff. But all I know is that it protects your devices from nasty internet things trying to access your private information by filtering the internet data that comes through the network. This is great because there seems to be a new internet threat taking over the world every other week!
Basically, you connect the Bitdefender Box to your home network and install the Bitdefender Box App on your phone (It’s available on iOS and Android) and then the magic happens. It’s a short setup procedure and the app guides you through it.
After the Box has made friends with your router, you can go about adding your devices to it’s protected network. So basically all the devices you have that connects to WiFi (TV’s, computers, phones, tablets, etc.) Now you have a safe environment setup within your home. Even guests that connect to your network are protected by the Box. It protects EVERYTHING that connects to the internet. It’s very cool.
And so is that blue light.
But here’s the REALLY cool thing about the Bitdefender Box for me – it can even protect your devices when you are away from home! So whether you are travelling to a local event or to another country, if you enable the “Private Line” service, then your devices are still protected via your Box network at home.
This is HUGE for anyone that is travelling. *clapping hands emoji* And really has provided a real sense of security for me, especially when I access my Internet banking abroad.
Well done Bitdefender for creating this product! When I think about internet security, and how important it is, it has actually been really confusing in the past. Every device needed it’s own installation of whatever internet security programme you were using – but now it’s so simple – one device protects all your devices. No mess, no fuss.
And it really works!
The other day (at home) Lauren was googling something about solid foods for Caleb (can you believe our son is already eating solids?) and I got a notification from the Box App that the website had prevented her from opening a malicious site! I was amazed at the power of Box (and a little saddened that there are people out there trying to take advantage of mom’s trying to find information on baby things.) But that was all the convincing I needed.
Other cool things:
So there is a lot more to Box than what i’ve described, so i’m going to list some of the features here.
1) Vulnerability Assessment
– Scans and identifies all vulnerabilities in connected devices and network equipment and gives you all the information if you need to act on anything.
2) Private Line
– Protection while travelling. Done via VPN.
3) Total Security for local protection
– You don’t need any other security products. The Bitdefender Box protects everything.
4) Network Activity Reports
– (Quite a cool feature) The Box monitors internet traffic usage and you can check which devices use the most data and at what times.
5) Device Management and Control
– You can manage certain settings on your Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices through the App! Even things like mobile roaming, tethering and locating / wiping stolen devices.
6) Active Threat Control
– Uses superior technologies to keep your devices safe and protected from the newest threats.
We’re giving away five Bitdefender Boxes worth $199 each!
You heard it right.
Unfortunately this is only open to readers based in the USA (even though the box works anywhere in the world.)
To enter, all you have to do is answer this simple question:
Where would you like to travel to this summer while protecting your devices using the Bitdefender Box?
That’s it!
You can share your answer in the comments 😉
Giveaway terms and conditions: http://bit.ly/29qJSC2
I would love to travel to New York City.
dlatany at gmail dot com
I want to travel to Florida.
Congratulations! You’ve been randomly selected as one of the 5 winners! Please send your email address to hello @ thetravelmanuel . com
Hi, I emailed did you get it?
If I’m relocating to the US in September do I count as a US citizen?
I’m off to Swaziland, Morocco then I relocate to Seattle where I will be living/working for 12 months. While I’m in the US, I would really love to go to NYC, Vegas and Miami. I actually land in NYC from South Africa and I will spend a few days exploring before heading to Seattle. I’m super excited for the next few months.
Congratulations Lerato! You’ve been randomly selected as one of the 5 winners! Please send your email address to hello @ thetravelmanuel . com
I would like to travel to Seattle.
I’d like to visit family in Chile someday! If I could I’d go this summer. It’d be nice to have a Bitdefender Box whenever that day comes though!
I would like to travel to Silicon Valley and visit the Bitdefender Headquarters!
I would like to visit Croatia.
I would like to take my kids to Costa Rica to explore while being protected by Bitdefender!
Congratulations Mark Latham! You’ve been randomly selected as one of the 5 winners! Please send your email address to hello @ thetravelmanuel . com
Thank you very much! I just sent an email to the above address. I appreciate it very much!!
Thank you so very much. Now you need to come here to Durango, Colorado. Ride the Narrow Gage Steam Train and visit things like Mesa Verde – a wonderful travel spot!!
I want to travel to Italy
I would like to visit Bitdefender production labs.
to a Greek island 🙂
I would love to go to GB, knowing I’m safe and sound
I would like to travel to Romania!
Congratulations Chris! You’ve been randomly selected as one of the 5 winners! Please send your email address to hello @ thetravelmanuel . com
Thank u so ‘VERY VERY VERY’………………….much ‘Vaughan The Travel Manuel’! I just sent an email to the above address. I appreciate it very much!!
Hello from ‘GREECE’!
My husband and I are inspired by you!!! We are going to start a year long trip across the world this fall! My husband is an engineer, but is going to QUIT his job (ahhhhhhh!!!??!) and we are going to work together remotely. We’re starting out in London and Prague, and I would love this Bit Defender Box to protect our small business as we travel, especially because the last time I went to London someone got access to the information from 4 of my credit card’s and spent thousands of dollars on them!! Thanks so much for all you do!
Congratulations Carrie-Lynn! You’ve been randomly selected as one of the 5 winners! Please send your email address to hello @ thetravelmanuel . com
Going to PV, Mexico! The box would be awesome for traveling!
Anywhere there is a beach please
I was looking at this for my son who works in the movie industry and travels overseas frequently. He’s had his cc info stolen more than once. This is exactly what he needs.
I would like to travel where ever there is no internet connection…