If you like to travel, you probably know the standard tips and tricks of getting around. But there are more ways to travel than you might know. If you want a truly unique trip, ditch the conventional methods of getting where you’re going and see the world with new eyes.
From hitchhiking to E-biking or even riding on a container ship, you can get around so many ways, and meet amazing people as you go. Check out these unconventional methods of travel to see what works for you.
Put the Pedal to the Metal With an E-Bike
An E-bike or electric bike is a great way to get around town even if you’re not sure if you can handle the roads on your own. An E-bike uses electricity from a battery pack or created from your peddling to help propel you forward during the journey. E-bikes make biking easy.
E-bikes are great, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. They’re a suitable option when traveling somewhere where you’d prefer not to be sweaty when you arrive. Altogether, E-bikes let you see the local sites that might not see from a car or bus, not to mention the experience of hitting the open road.
More and more bike rental agencies are offering E-bikes as alternatives when you rent. However, if you really want the freedom to go wherever, whenever you can, convert your bike to an E-bike and take on the world any way you’d like. Feel free to get lost on your bike without worrying because, with an E-bike, you’ll have your battery to help take you home.
Hitchhiking Might Be an Option
Hitchhiking is feared in America for a variety of reasons. But in some countries, it is still acceptable to hitchhike. For example, in the rural area of Israel or Portugal, you may spot a hitchhiker or two. But when it comes to Hitchhiking, safety should always be a priority.
Nowadays, some digital “Hitchhiking “apps might give you a sense of security as you go. Be sure to do your research, and only hitch take when you feel safe. If you’re looking to hitchhike in a country where you don’t speak the language, it’s helpful to make a sign with your ultimate destination in the country’s language.
Often, people who are willing to pick you up are friendly, but always exercise caution, and make sure you have enough funds to get home if you don’t feel safe, or can’t hitch. Also, be sure to check the local regulations of where you are, as some countries or locales don’t allow hitchhiking at all. Stay safe and stay on the correct side of the law.
But, if you do get lucky enough to hitchhike, you might get one of the best conversations of your life. The people who pick up hitchhikers are often chatty and interested in talking to you. Think of talking to them as trading a story for the ride.
Crash a Container Ship Journey
Lastly, did you know you can ride as a passenger in a container ship? A room on a freighter usually goes between 65 and 125 USD per day for a single occupancy room. Of course, travelling in a cabin on a freighter is quite an unusual way to travel. But for some people, it’s a bucket list item.
Be certain, though, because a freighter voyage is no small endeavor. Most freight trips usually last between 40 and 50 days. Travelling from Los Angeles, California to Germany through the port of Hamburg takes 41 days or so to give you an idea. Nonetheless, this strange method of transportation might just be up your alley.
In the End
All in all, you can totally ditch the usual ways to travel and see the world with new eyes. Check out an E-bike, freighter, or even hitchhike and feel the freedom as you travel. You are sure to walk away with great pictures, and an even better story.
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